One part that is often 'secured' by women are lower their arms or armpits. This is because the area is prone to body odor and sweat that can be uncomfortable.
One method to save is to use deodorant or body powder. In addition, some women also like to shave fine hair in his armpits. Some things like this could have been done, but also can cause irritation and itching.
Therefore, it takes care that can keep your underarm skin remains healthy and well groomed. When your users and the like shaving underarm deodorant, note the following points.
1. Always Clean Armpit After Using Deodorant
After a day of use deodorant, underarm odor you may still fragrant. But, janagn lulled by the scent. If there was no need to use deodorant activity, you can clean it. This will free the skin of the chemical constituents of the deodorant. Cameroon Diaz even 20 years did not use deodorant.
You can do a day without deodorant, or even more when just at home. No need to replace it with talcum powder. Just leave it free from anything. Just like the hair and scalp, armpits also need to rest and return to its natural period. Such conditions are good for the pores and glands in the armpit. As long as you keep it clean, you will not body odor.
3. Underarm Hair Shaving
You can shave her armpits to keep it clean. What is clear, use tools that clean and hygienic. To avoid dark colors, you can use shaving foam or powder. There will be times where armpits itch, try not to scratch it. Rub the back of the hand or with a cloth slowly to reduce the itchy feeling. This is to reduce the excessive friction.
4. Dry Skin Can Also Armpit
Using deodorant or not, there is a period in which the armpit will become dry. Times like this, you can use a deodorant that contains moisturizers. Can also lift the arm while lying down for a few moments and apply petroleum jelly. For a moment, the wind-wind section underarm skin and sleep a few hours. Shortly after going to bed, you can clean the armpits with water. Let it dry naturally. It can also regenerate the skin of the armpit are blackish.
5. Eat What Not Seasoned Sharp
If you want to avoid body odor, do sports. But, avoid spicy foods such as spicy, paste, salt, MSG and food too sweet. There are foods that cause body odor and there is also cause fatty deposits so that our body is hot. Exercise can keep your body sweat does not smell fresh and sharp.
Try the tips above so you do not feel inferior again with body odor and underarm black. Healthy armpits and you also remain confident. Good luck.