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Cause Thrush in Children

Sprue not only affects adults. Six-month-old infants and toddlers can be affected by canker sores. Usually, thrush in children attack the lips, tongue, throat or inner cheek. Thrush in babies, she would fuss than usual. Plus interested in nursing. Body temperature rises, could even reach 40
Cause Thrush in Children
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degrees Celsius. The baby's mouth thrush also more smell. Toddlers thrush will also have a fever, though not going to 40 degrees Celsius. Appetite toddler thrush also declined.
Generally, children sprue because of two things. That is because biting and fungal excess that live in the mouth.

1. bitten
This bitten ordinary cases experienced by children who chew imperfect or eat in a hurry. Teach your child to chew properly. If the condition of the child is fit, wounds caused by this will not be bitten canker sores. However, if the condition of the body is down, this will be a canker sores. You can treat it with a topical medication. If the child is not fond of eating, serve food soft and not too hot. If children need to drink milk and serve using glasses. Because drinking milk in a bottle will make canker sores rubbed dot and increase pain.

2. Mushrooms
Thrush in children can also be caused by fungi. In normal conditions, the fungus is living in the mouth, not the exception in children. But when the child's immune system decreases, then the mold will exceed the normal amount. Especially if the child is taking antibiotics. The high number of fungi in the mouth (Candida albicans) is the one who spurred thrush in children. Immediately ask the doctor for medication to cope with canker sores caused by fungi.

Of the two causes of the above, then how to prevent thrush in children is to keep the immune system. Also, make sure their mouth and teeth in a clean state. Teach children to maintain oral hygiene routine. Familiarize children eat enough nutritious foods and nutritious, rich in vitamin C and B12 without overdosing. You do not need to give supplements of vitamin C because of the high doses of a child will make the kidneys work harder than usual. How to get the best sources of vitamin C is that of fresh fruit such as tomatoes, oranges and strawberries.