Papaya leaves are vegetables that are picked from the tree papaya, symmetrical shape when the top is folded. Papaya leaves a bitter taste if still young, but if boiled longer a substance that made him so bitter will be reduced.
Besides commonly used as vegetables, papaya leaves are also often used as a traditional medicine to treat disease or to protect the body from various disease-causing bacteria. At this time, we briefly summarize the benefits of papaya leaves, but before you also need to know the benefits of papaya fruit.
As a highly nutritious plant is certainly due to the abundant nutritional content, follows them.
• Vitamin A
• Vitamin B1
• Vitamin C
• Calories
• Protein
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• Carbohydrates
• Fats
• Calcium bone-forming
• Carposide as an anthelmintic
• Substance papain same as in the fruit, which makes these substances taste bitter.
Benefits of Papaya Leaf
While the benefits of papaya leaves itself has a lot to prove its effectiveness. You can trust him after knowing the information that will be reviewed below.
1. Drug Kidney Stones
Provide some fresh papaya leaves of trees, rinse with water and boiled for 10 minutes. Papaya leaves boiled water to drink until they run out, a 30-minute interval drink coconut water. (For people with high blood pressure are not allowed to try this treatment).
2. Abdominal Pain Medication When Haid
Prepare materials in the form of a piece of papaya, mashed together with fruit acids and salts. Add boiled water, the mixture is squeezed and filtered, ending with drinking water during menstruation.
3. Dysentery
Boil 2 papaya leaves that have been washed in a pan containing 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoon of ground black coffee, if it boils strain and drink one glass of water per day.
4. Drugs Diarrhea
Prepare material in the form of coconut oil and papaya taste. Papaya leaves withered and boiled together with coconut oil, paste blend the material in the stomach to heal diarrhea.
5. Drug Stomach Worms
Prepare materials in the form of one papaya leaves, wash clean. Boil in 2 cups of water in a saucepan along with the fennel plant pulowaras until boiling. Strain the cooking water before and after a cold drink every night before bed..
6. Drug Whitish
Use one clean papaya leaves, then boiled in 1.5 liters of water with 50 grams of grass roots and pulasari. Water boiled papaya leaves and roots of the weeds that you strain and drink the water until they run every single day.
7. Acne Medication
The initial step to clean the face using warm water. Then puree papaya and mashed or blended, mix with water. Water resulting mixture papaya (juice) is mixed with the mask and use it to rub the face. After 15 minutes to dry, wash with warm water again, the last wipe the face with cold water.
8. Drug Black Spots
If the acne scars or black stains that stick in the face not too much, use this method. The trick puree papaya leaf affixed manner or crushed or blender and add water. Papaya leaf juice mixed with water in the mask and apply on the face evenly. Wait 15 minutes until the mask is dry and clean using warm water until the mask lifted.
Benefits of papaya leaves above would not be separated on the content contained therein. You also need to know that some of the above problems will be completely cured if done regularly and controlled by a doctor. However you can not ignore the advice of medical experts, namely the physician.
Actually, there are many other benefits of papaya leaves some, for example, to increase appetite, eradicate cancer cells, improving the human digestive system, treating Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, toddler nutritional needs and much more.