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Recognize Types of Fat

Fat has a distinctive flavor of food. Processed foods with fat was certainly tempting and makes want to eat continuously. But for lovers slim body, the word "fat" always makes them scared and tried hard to avoid it. Though not all
Recognize Types of Fat
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fats negative effect. Because the body needs fat as well, among which are delivering vitamin E to be absorbed in the intestine. Fat also serves to energy reserves, provided it does not stockpiled in large quantities, fat is still safe.

For more friendly and can control the intake of fat in the body, it helps us to know the types of fat, namely:

Saturated fat. are fats that are generally solid. Examples of saturated fat are butter, whole milk, coconut oil, red meat, and oil palm. This type of fat consumption should be limited because it will increase blood cholesterol, especially LDL levels.

Unsaturated fats , divided into two polyunsaturated fats  and monounsaturated fats. Benefits of unsaturated fat is to reduce heart attacks, raising the antibodies and help lower LDL cholesterol. Even monounsaturated fats can increase HDL levels. Examples of polyunsaturated fats are fish and seafood. While monounsaturated fats are olive oil, canola oil peanut oil, poultry and avocado.

Know the type of fat is certainly important, as it will help in selecting foods that are beneficial for the body. Trans fats are fats that come from unsaturated fats that have been mengalam hydrogenation process. An example is margarine.

Eating fatty foods is fine, as long as it remains healthy lifestyle, namely measure to avoid excessive intake of fat and then burn regularly at least two weeks by exercising regularly. Eating fruits with the nutrients needed by the body so that the stomach is not just filled with delicious-tasty food alone. We wish to know the types of fat can help us to live healthier.