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The Content of Vitamins in Carrots

In addition to the benefits of carrots for the skin and hair, the remaining usefulness for the health of the body which is very abundant. Anything?

The content of vitamins in carrots
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  • The main energy source for the body.
  • Being ready for the energy used by the body spontaneously.
  • Facilitating all tissues and cells in the body to use glucose into energy.
  • Optimizing the performance of the brain, heart, central nervous system, and kidneys to function properly.
  • Helping the process of cleaning waste in the intestine.

  1. Build muscle. Nutrients such as protein is required for muscle formation. The athletes or bodybuilders need enough protein so that the process of reform of the muscle into a new shape to run smoothly.
  2. Boost the immune system. Body with weak immunity will be susceptible to disease. The immune system will be increased if the body's nutritional needs are met. Protein plays a role here helps boost the immune system. You need to know also that the white blood cells are made of protein needed by the body in sufficient quantities to prevent the attack viruses and bacteria in the blood.
  3. Balance hormone production. The balance of hormones in the body will affect health conditions. Protein will help the release of various hormones, including testosterone and growth hormone. Another function is to support the process of protein secretion.
  4. PH balance of the body. A short definition of body pH can you know the benefits of article lime. Protein can maintain the acid-base balance and fluid in the body.
  5. As regulators. Protein acts as a regulator of metabolism processes in the form of enzymes and hormones. Both forms must be sustained to enable the harmonious relationship.
  6. Lowering properties. In chromosomes, proteins useful for storing at once forward nature of heredity (genetics) in the form of genes. Codon stored in genes for the synthesis of certain enzymes that degrade protein metabolism from parents to their children, until the next generation continuously.

Benefits of Carrots on content of Vitamin A
  • Caring for eyes. Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining the health of the human sense of sight. Vitamin A works by channeling the object captured by the retina to the brain into an image. Compounds that play a role here is retinol.
  • Prevent cancer. Vitamin A in carrots can suppress the growth of DNA that trigger the growth of cancer cells.
  • Antioxidants. Working as an antioxidant, known as beta-carotene. This compound is a function of free radicals derived from oxidation of the body or polluting vehicles.

  • Blood freeze. Blood clotting process will run normally when the body is deficient in vitamin K (coagulation). If the process is interrupted due to a deficiency of coagulation of this vitamin, there will be issues such as the length of the wound healing process.
  • Prevent diabetes. Researchers discovered the greatness of Vitamin K1 in warding off the risk of diabetes by reducing insulin resistance.
  • Strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. Many medical journals suggests that vitamin K1 is useful to strengthen the structure is strong, so the porous bone disease or osteoporosis can be prevented. Vitamin K works by helping osteocalcin compound that served to absorb minerals in order to form a strong bone structure.

Benefits of Carrots on content of Vitamin B:
  • Maintain the digestive system. Vitamin B is a type of water-soluble vitamins. In the body, this vitamin repair and maintain the digestive system and forms hydrochloric acid (HCL), which is used to break down fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
  • Improve memory. This vitamin plays a role in building a protective wall around the neurons of the brain that gives effect on improving memory and concentration.
  • Break down homocysteine. Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid that can be toxic to nerve cells. To overcome needed vitamin B that homocysteine ​​solved.

Some benefits of carrots for skin, hair, and body health above can be obtained if you eat it in sufficient quantities, and not more. If excessive carrots can also cause side effects to the health seriously enough.