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Various Benefits of Carrots Fruit For Health

Carrots are vegetables with bright orange color. The most commonly eaten is the tuber, which saves a lot of essential nutrients for the body. Benefits of carrots is best known for eye memelhara to remain lucid and capable of strengthening the power of vision. Communities know these properties due to vitamin A in carrots contained high.

Actually, there are many benefits of carrots, such as skin care for the body to keep it clean, maintain gastrointestinal health thanks to fiber that is able to increase the feces up to 25% so that such problems can be overcome constipation, and still there are many other properties thanks to the content of carrots.

Various Benefits of Carrots Fruit For Health
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Carrots also offers a number of benefits for dental health and intelligence. No wonder if the rabbits were able to move quickly and has a bright white color of the teeth and a sharp eye is also clear in the vision, because this animal is a carrot lover.

This plant saves a lot of benefits that you should know. Here usability carrots to skin, especially external use by applying it as a beauty treatment herb.

1. Make your skin look radiant
Clean the skin at the same time shine is one dream every person, especially women. Appearances seemed perfect when reinforced with bright color. However, to have skin as you desire, need extra care and routine in order to fruition is sweet.

Take care to mix or make a face mask of carrot combined with honey. Do not forget to help with the consumption of carrots, you can eat it alone or used as juice, both are equally efficacious. Consumption of carrots will help brighten the skin from the inside. The reason is because carrots are full of vitamin C and antioxidants that can help you get glowing skin.

2. Can soothe the skin after work
Let's face prolonged exposure to sunlight is not good for skin health. In addition, you must have felt as if uncomfortable skin shortly thereafter. The feeling comes because the facial skin taut, dirty, dusty and tired from a day of blazing sun radiates left.

After work, take a little time to give more attention to the face. Use facial spray made from carrots, here's how:
Take the carrots, wash with a little slicing the crust until the dirt lifted.
Blender until the pasta is quite thick, do not forget to give a little water before blended.
Combine carrot pasta in rose water to taste, stirring until dissolved.
Put it in a spray bottle that had been cleaned.
Spray directly fluid that you have created by mixing carrot and rose water.

By regularly applying this perelaksasian after work, you will get a fresh face at once healthy.

3. Able to moisturize the face
Benefits of carrots for the skin, which is used as a natural moisturizer. You do not yet know how to make carrot for moisturizing facial mask? Here's a guide to make it.

Materials need to be prepared:
Grate a carrot clean, take as much as 2 teaspoons.
Pure honey and milk cream one as much as 1 teaspoon.
Olive oil to taste, then only use a few drops.

Face cream making process:
Place the grated carrots into small bowl.
Add all ingredients, then pulverized using a hand that has been coated plastic sterile.

How to use:
Wet the surface of the skin with warm water, slightly massaged so that the pores open. Drain briefly with disposable pat hand.
Apply mask carrot that is so evenly, let stand 10-15 minutes.
Clean with cold water splashed way little by little as he cleaned mask attached to the face.
Pat dry with a manner both hands gently.

In an instant you will know that the benefits of carrots for the face really exist.

4. Giving effect wound healing
Carrots offers speed wound healing effect on the skin. This is because the anti-inflammatory properties in carrots is able to revitalize the once smooth skin tone. You can grate raw carrots, then cover the wound with grated carrots. Perform this treatment regularly so that you know that the benefits of carrots to heal the wound completely proven.

5. Treating skin diseases
Carrots can be used to prevent and treat various types of diseases that attack the skin, such as acne, red rash, dermatitis or inflammation of the skin, and other skin diseases that occur due to deficiency of vitamin A.

The content of the antioxidant is responsible for handling the disease. But you are not allowed to eat carrots excessive because it endanger the health of the skin, such as the color of the surface of the skin turns yellowish orange.

6. Overcoming dry skin
Dry skin is a classic problem commonly experienced by men, but did not rule women also experience. Potassium deficiency is one of the factors triggering the skin becomes dry.

Carrots become agents who offer potassium to the skin. With sufficient supply of potassium, the skin will be moist and chewy. If you are dehydrated, carrot juice is also able to hydrate the body effectively.

7. Useful as a sun blocker
Many sun-block products that use the carrot as a mixture or composition. From here you certainly strongly believe that carrots are naturally blocker effects of sunlight.

If you want to feel the benefits of carrots this one, do not use external use. Before the move, make a cup of fresh carrot juice. The content of antioxidants and beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A helps protect skin from the sun.

Carrot juice consumption also makes the skin more preserved even if you have to move under direct sunlight. But still, the skin needs protection from the outside. Use sun-block products with an SPF of 30 to make it more resistant to light directly strikes the skin.

8. Maintain skin elasticity
Vitamin C in carrots can optimize the production of collagen that our bodies need. Collagen itself is a kind of protein that serves to maintain skin elasticity. With preservation of skin elasticity, then problems like wrinkles will be prevented.

You can look younger as carrots can prevent premature aging. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant also helps to deny free radicals that bring in symptoms of aging such as wrinkles, pigment abnormal, and uneven skin tone.

9. Get rid of stains on the face
Stains on the face caused by acne can arise imprint or sometimes called black spots. This beauty problems can be eliminated with the help of carrots that are effectively able to clean the stain attached to the skin. How can the carrot porridge apply on the face, do regularly at least three times a week.

In addition to good skin, still hidden benefits of carrots for hair. Here are some of them.

10. Reduce hair loss
Carrots are loaded with vitamin A and carotenoids that become hair growth agents. With and encouraged the growth of healthy hair, you will be free from hair loss problems. Blood circulation around the scalp becomes more smoothly because of all the vitamins contained in carrots work together to give effect to the hair healthy.

11. Stimulate Hair Growth
Hormones will affect everyone's hair growth. Unfortunately, not everyone has perfect hormones that encourage hair growth is stable, so most anyone experiencing hair thinness and even baldness.

Carrots able to stimulate hair growth and make hair so thick at once dense. Why are vitamins A and E at these healthy vegetables can help increase the production of hair follicles. Eat more vegetables or carrot juice on a regular basis so that your hair to be healthy and free from various problems.

12. Restoring the luster of the hair
Vitamin A in carrots played a role in the starred hair, namely how to make black-colored hair to make it look more shiny. Because vitamin A to vitamin is important for the hair, you can meet those needs with the consumption of carrots. This way, you do not need to take supplements of vitamin A