3 Foods To Help More Smart Brain

The brain is the center of all activity in your body. The brain needs a lot of nutrients in order to function properly. Each time, the brain regulates thousands of functions in the body, so that the brain can work well, it is very import
3 Foods To Help More Smart Brain
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ant to take care of him every day. 

Broccoli had plenty of choline which can stimulate the growth of new brain cells and neural connections. Eat one cup of broccoli three times a week is the most effective way to boost your brain power. Moreover, broccoli is very tasty when boiled for the salad, pan-fried, or as a companion to a delicious steak. Not hard to incorporate the broccoli into the daily menu.

Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate is chocolate healthiest among all types of chocolate. In addition to containing nutrients that are good for your body, dark chocolate also contains flavonoids that will increase blood circulation to the brain. Dark chocolate can improve concentration, response time, and memory, you know. You can process them into hot chocolate beverage, or mix into the chocolate pizza, chocolate and almond cookies.

Spinach has a lot of potassium, which can improve thinking and memory capacity. Spinach also has a lot of antioxidants that are good for protecting brain cells from damage. Gee, wonder Poppeye love to eat spinach as you enter the spinach in each dish. Moms, now you've been announcing great food that can protect your brain. Began to add these great foods in your cooking.

A good way Shampooing For Healthy Hair

Hair washing is the thing you've done since childhood. You may even already have the habit of washing that you have applied so far. But did you know that washing your hair with the wrong technique can ruin the beauty of your hair? To prevent this, the following is the proper way to wash your hair as reported by dailymakeover.com

Dampen the hair beforehand
Dampen the hair first, it will open kultikula your hair. Make sure your hair is completely wet.

Use shampoo to taste
A good way Shampooing For Healthy HairAlthough there are instructions 'rinse and repeat' in a bottle of shampoo, you do not need to repeat it many times. Use shampoo taste, does not need too much unless you have very thick hair and long.

Focus on the scalp
When washing hair, focus to cleanse your scalp. Many are wrong, some people think cleaning the hair follicle is more important than cleaning the scalp.

Use finger instead of the nail
Massaging the head while washing hair in addition to a cleaning step can also enhance blood circulation of your head. But do it with the pads of your fingers, not with nails. If you do the nail will cause sores on the scalp.

Squeeze before using conditioner
Do not apply conditioner while your hair is still soaking wet. It will make your air conditioner does not work well because the hair can not absorb it well.
Select the appropriate shampoo products
Shampoo that does not match the type of hair would not be suitable. Customize your hair type when you buy shampoo.

Try filtration system
Water that is too hard can cause buildup, brittle texture, greasiness, and many more, nothing conducive to day-feather or a good hair healthy, try filtration system will make your hair healthier.
That's the proper way to wash your hair. Do not get your way is wrong as long as this makes your hair damaged and unhealthy.

How to Whiten Underarm with Honey and Cucumber

In this article you will listen how to whiten armpit with natural materials, namely honey and cucumber. Is Ladies never try it at home?

Surely, you know honey and cucumber ?. Although perhaps not often stand by in the refrigerator or your kitchen, the second material is not the stuff that is difficult to find.
How to Whiten Underarm with Honey and Cucumber

Cucumber has a water content and high fiber. Therefore, you can simply rub a slice of cucumber to your armpits are problematic.

Honey is equally great benefits. A lot of nutrients contained in pure honey. In addition to good digestion, honey is also very good for skin care, including face and armpits.

Honey can you apply directly to the underarm. Nutrients in it can nourish your skin and help clean the armpits armpit black. In addition, honey also will make your underarm skin softer.

Well, as described in page howtowhitenunderarms.blogspot.com, if both are combined, it would be good to whiten your armpits. Enough mashed peeled cucumber half with a rough texture, then mix 2 tablespoons of honey.

Rub in the armpit you like doing scrubbing. After rubbing 3 minutes, let 'dough' stick and pervasive in the armpits for 10 minutes. Then wash with warm water.

5 Ways to Take Care Deodorant Underarm Frequently Uses

One part that is often 'secured' by women are lower their arms or armpits. This is because the area is prone to body odor and sweat that can be uncomfortable.

One method to save is to use deodorant or body powder. In addition, some women also like to shave fine hair in his armpits. Some things like this could have been done, but also can cause irritation and itching.

Therefore, it takes care that can keep your underarm skin remains healthy and well groomed. When your users and the like shaving underarm deodorant, note the following points.

1. Always Clean Armpit After Using Deodorant
After a day of use deodorant, underarm odor you may still fragrant. But, janagn lulled by the scent. If there was no need to use deodorant activity, you can clean it. This will free the skin of the chemical constituents of the deodorant. Cameroon Diaz even 20 years did not use deodorant.

5 Ways to Take Care Deodorant Underarm Frequently Uses2. Day Without Deodorant
You can do a day without deodorant, or even more when just at home. No need to replace it with talcum powder. Just leave it free from anything. Just like the hair and scalp, armpits also need to rest and return to its natural period. Such conditions are good for the pores and glands in the armpit. As long as you keep it clean, you will not body odor.

3. Underarm Hair Shaving
You can shave her armpits to keep it clean. What is clear, use tools that clean and hygienic. To avoid dark colors, you can use shaving foam or powder. There will be times where armpits itch, try not to scratch it. Rub the back of the hand or with a cloth slowly to reduce the itchy feeling. This is to reduce the excessive friction.

4. Dry Skin Can Also Armpit
Using deodorant or not, there is a period in which the armpit will become dry. Times like this, you can use a deodorant that contains moisturizers. Can also lift the arm while lying down for a few moments and apply petroleum jelly. For a moment, the wind-wind section underarm skin and sleep a few hours. Shortly after going to bed, you can clean the armpits with water. Let it dry naturally. It can also regenerate the skin of the armpit are blackish.

5. Eat What Not Seasoned Sharp
If you want to avoid body odor, do sports. But, avoid spicy foods such as spicy, paste, salt, MSG and food too sweet. There are foods that cause body odor and there is also cause fatty deposits so that our body is hot. Exercise can keep your body sweat does not smell fresh and sharp.

Try the tips above so you do not feel inferior again with body odor and underarm black. Healthy armpits and you also remain confident. Good luck.

How Trimming Armpit To Not Irritation

Underarm hair is often considered disturbing appearance. Various methods are carried out to remove the hairs on the armpit from plucking, shaving to waxing. The most widely used is shave because this is the most convenient and practical. This time Vemale will try to give tips right underarm shaving in order not to avoid irritation as has been reported by boldsky.com. Check these out Ladies.

Do this process before you shave your armpits. Scrub the area before shaving your armpits. This will help remove dead skin cells so that will not make black armpit.

Moisten Underarm
how trimming armpit To Not IrritationMake sure the area before shaving your armpits wet although most people like to shave armpits while in a dry state. Use a gel or shaving foam used to make the result more subtle.

Use a maximum of 3 razor shaves. Do not use a dull knife untukkulit because it can cause irritation. In addition it will also be a black underarm skin due to friction dull knife.

Shave your armpits at night because you'll go straight to bed after shave. This will make the rest underarm skin. These tips will be very useful for those who have sensitive skin.

Shave after a warm bath. This is because your skin will tend to be softer after bathing and helps the razor glide more easily on your skin

Hopefully this information is useful for you yes Ladies. Good luck and be beautiful ...

Benefits of Turmeric For Medicinal Plants

Saffron or turmeric (Curcuma domestica) is a medicinal plant which is more dominant in the growth region of Southeast Asia. Belonging to the group gingers and retrieval findings (Read: Benefits of Ginger), which in some places is known by several names such as saffron, turmeric, koneng, and konyet.

Usefulness and efficacy Turmeric

People are more familiar with turmeric as a spice used for cooking in the kitchen spice supplement. Some dishes are material co
Benefits of Turmeric For Medicinal Plants
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mponents of turmeric curry and soup for example, precisely to give a yellow color to the dish.

While those who have a greater understanding in the field of health doubling turmeric as a function of pharmaceutical products that can compete on the market with patented drugs. If the results of this herb can cure diseases such as arthritis or osteo-arthritis.

Part of the plant used as medicine is a rhizome or tuber with a note should be older than one year. Efficacy of turmeric which, when consumed regularly can release excess gas in the intestine, stop bleeding and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Benefits of Turmeric For Medicinal Plants

Various medications to relieve itching, eradicate the virus and prevent depression can be formulated from the basic ingredients of turmeric and some other natural material. Although until now most people prefer to buy drugs pharmacy clearer result, the traditional medicine of turmeric can not be underestimated.

1. Lowering Blood Pressure
Prepare 50 grams of leaves of Centella asiatica, 300 cc honey, 3 thumb fresh turmeric, and 500 cc of water.
Gotu kola leaves and turmeric chopped into small pieces, then boiled in 500 cc of water until the remaining 150 cc.
Wait a little cold, if it is then drunk.
Perform this treatment regularly drink 3 times a day each 1 tablespoon.

2. Reduce heat Fever
20 grams grated fresh turmeric that has been cleaned.
Put it in 100 ml of hot boiled water, stir gently until dissolved saffron.
Tadahkan turmeric solution on a clean rag, then create such parcel.
Squeeze so that water out, do not forget disposed above a glass or small container.
Drinking juice of turmeric to hot temperatures due to the fever down.

3. Eliminate Body Odor From Within
Prepare 2 segment thumb fresh turmeric, grated until smooth.
Dissolve in 2/3 cup of warm boiled water that has been mixed with palm sugar.
Stir a few minutes, strain the water and drink.
Dosage: 1 time a day taken before bed.

4. Itching For Chicken Pox
Picking a handful of leaves and a piece of turmeric acid, wash both materials.
Both materials have a clean blender until smooth.
Apply a way rub it on the skin that itch after smallpox.
Dose treatment: 3 times a day

5. Malaria
Prepare materials in the form of 3 grams of saffron, 15 grams pule skin, 5 grams of sandalwood, tree bark keningar 5 grams, 6 grams of leaves Jering antan, 20 grams of ginger, eucalyptus oil 6 drops (put it on a small plate), and 500 boiled water.
Blend all ingredients except eucalyptus oil, boiled in 500 cc of water.
Drink herb that has been cold day 3 times.

6. Diarrhea
3 Prepare the coriander seeds, 1 piece of wood ules, one leaves alum, 1/2 finger turmeric, and 1/2 penetrance angina.
Combine all ingredients, then boiled in a glass of water (150 ml) to boiling.
Strain the cooking water, then take medicine that has been finished 2 times a day (morning and evening) each 75 ml.

7. Stamina
Squeeze turmeric until the water as much as 1 tablespoon, prepare also a chicken egg, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and pepper powder to taste.
Put all the ingredients in a glass and stir until well mixed, let some time.
This vitality taking medication 3 times a day.

8. Ulcers
Grate 1 vertebra turmeric thumb, pour 1 teaspoon of water whiting and juice of 1 lemon.
Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.
Make foreign drugs by means of applying it to the skin which are ulcers.

9. Whitish
Prepare 15 grams of turmeric root that is old, peel and wash.
Grate until smooth, add 1 cup water with acid and sugar.
Stir constantly until smooth, pour while using the tool filters (cloth).
This whitish medicinal drink 2 times a day.

10. Gingivitis
Gambir plant 3 1/2 thumb cut and turmeric.
Cut both ingredients and mash until smooth.
Boil 2 cups of water into the pot to boil and the remaining 1 cup.
Wait a little cooler, drinking routine 3-4 times a day.

11. Late Coming Months
Material in the form of 15 grams of leaves and turmeric sigading, 10 grams of cardamom and nutmeg, 5 grams of black cumin, coriander and cloves.
Boil all ingredients making up the pan 3 cups of water, waiting for the water to boil and the remaining 1 cup.
Strain the water and take medication three times a day each 1/3 cup.

That's the benefit of turmeric as the building blocks of traditional medicine that would benefit you all.

Foods to Avoid Patients With Typhoid

Handling typhus requires diligence and patience are high. This is mainly due to the length over this disease to be cured. Not to mention taboos that must be done so that the disease does not become worse. Indeed, all does require extra attention.
Things are a growing concern typhus really is not too much.

Foods to avoid patients with typhoid
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These things of which alone are the foods to avoid people with typhoid, are not allowed the patient to move more, patients must for complete rest (bedrest), up maybe hospitalization (hospitalization) at the hospital. Of all the things that concern, foods to avoid typhoid fever sufferers will be our discussion this time.

Foods to avoid patients with typhoid is quite easy because the food for patients with typhoid may only rice gruel or porridge sweet fruit very dilute. These foods should be avoided because of its effect on the stomach of patients, especially the parts of the intestine that is being 'problematic'. Foods that are forbidden for people with typhoid These include spicy foods, fatty foods, coffee, and soft drinks.

Spicy food in the stomach which would normally make hot digestive organs. Wounds in the intestines caused by bacteria Salmonella typhi for typhoid if given spicy foods may experience swelling and bleeding. Well, if you have this, sustained cure typhoid will be longer. Even if done, this could bring the death of the patient.

Fatty foods the body longer to digest than carbohydrates. This is because the chemical bonds of fat is more complex and also because of new fat digestion occurs in the gut. Not in the mouth or in the stomach just like carbohydrates. If people with typhoid eating fatty foods, the intestines are actually being 'troubled' forced to 'work'. Not impossible, this can cause intestinal bleeding. If you have this disease will also be a long recovery and may cause death.

In the belly of coffee can trigger a rise in the level of acidity of the stomach. If people consume coffee typhoid, can you imagine what would happen? Yes, the intestines are being wound given then surely the acid layers of the intestinal mucosa can be eroded and eventually bleeding. Again, this can lead to death.
The same thing happened in soft drinks. Carbonated soda in the stomach can cause a rise in the acidity of the stomach. So like coffee, it can cause death.